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Can You Get a Cash Advance From Care Credit

Cash advance on a care credit card?


Cash advance on a care credit card?

i need to take a cash advance out…. my care credit card holders agreement mention stuff about cash advances.. it does not specify anything , other then payment terms. i went to the atm… use my care credit card… it asked me for a pin…. so i took a guess.. and put in my regualr bank card pin…. the same screen comes up that comes up with my regular banj card… i hit withdraw 100 dollars…….. and then it said invalid card" is there any way to take a cash advance out on my care credit card?.. and how please.. we are desperly for money to hold us over untill the my next pay check comming up"

Answer : I might suggest you to visit this internet site where one can compare from the best companies: .

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Where to get an auto loan for $4000???
I have a 541 credit score, been on my job 1st job for over a year. I make about $1750 altogether from both jobs. I have tried places like bar none, capital one, i even tried my own bank suncoast schools credit union. I have tried roadloan and magnum loan. Can someone please help me. Personal experience is helpful. Thanks.""
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Applying for an auto loan?
First time buyer 635 FICO 2700 gross monthly income 1.6 yrs on the job What are the odds of me getting an 11k used auto loan?
What should my interest rate for an auto loan be with a credit score of 576?
I live in Indiana if that helps… I'm looking for a used SUV.


How do I refinance my auto loan?
Shouldn't a credit score of 626 and a DTI ratio of .19 recieve a better interest rate for an auto loan of 14,700 for 60 months than 11.9%? I've had my credit pulled so many times trying to get this car im afraid of where its at now. I wan't to refi this car. I got my first car with NO credit at 14% a year ago. What do you think? Any finance people out there? My gf's dad is in a mortgage firm but he's very biased and I don't like asking him a lot of things about this. He says i should have gotten a used car. But that's beside the point. What steps can i take to refi my loan and what rate do you think I can be at? Thank everyone beforehand""
How will filing personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy as a Sole Proprietor affect our income taxes?
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Is it possible to file bankruptcy by myself (with no attorney involved)?
Unfortantely due to divorce and the economy I'm very behind on my utilities and credit cards. I feel helpless. I need to file bankruptcy ASAP. I live in Pennsylvania. Does anyone know of a very cheap attorney? Is it possible to do it by myself? I'm looking for as much information as possible.
""Where can I download the"""" jingles? ?""""
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Where to get a one time complete credit report with scores from 3 bureaus?
I want to get a home for rent and everyone is looking to run my credits. But before I start the process, I want to run my own credits, and find out my complete credit score so that I can show the credit scores up front. I do not want any free credit reports. I want something complete which includes my all the three scores. I want something like the one that a bank would get. Where would I get it? I do not mind paying 40–50bucks for that.""
Correct me if im wrong! auto loans?
i want to finance a car. i found a great deal out of state. so basically an auto loan is a loan from a bank to fully purchase a car from a dealer and instead of paying the dealer, you pay the bank instead? does it matter which bank i get a loan from? they do give me a check to give to the dealer? if im misunderstanding all this about auto loan, please tell me EVERYTHING i need to know about financing a car with an auto loan, applying for one and all that other important things""

Question about a car loan for someone who knows something about credit…?
Okay so I'm 19 and im going to get a car tomorrow with my dad who has totally rockin credit and he is cosigning….now i have never even been approved for a credit card and ive applied twice, ive over drawn my account a couple times but not hardly at all and i think only one time since ive been 18, i also went to collections from being late for a payment at my college but i paid it in full the very next day that i was put in, ive also been late on my payments at my college a few times, but idk if that effects my credit since its not a loan i just broke my payment into 3 small ones that i paid to the cashier. will i still get approved for my car with all these mistakes BUT i do have my dad whos cosigning???""
What is the best place to get an online cash advance without faxing information?

Can I get a Auto loan when I already have one in massausetts?
Hi, I am on social security because i am 64 years old. I make about 1100 per month. I have a car financed on my credit now, and I pay about 420 per month for. I would like to get a second car that costs 18,000. I do have 15,000 to put down on the car in Cash. and I want to finance the 3,000 thats left. I was wondering what my chances are to be able to get that 3,000 financed with the money I have a down payment. I dont make alot per month, but I figured that the monthly payment would be very small and I could afford it. I also have been reading alot online that having liquid assets will aide in me trying to get financed. I have about 65,000 in my bank account. and would obviously cover the loan of 3,000 if I chose to pay it off other than finance it. What are my chances of getting that remainding 3,000 financed?? thank you.""
"Cash advance on a care credit card?

i need to take a cash advance out…. my care credit card holders agreement mention stuff about cash advances.. it does not specify anything , other then payment terms. i went to the atm… use my care credit card… it asked me for a pin…. so i took a guess.. and put in my regualr bank card pin…. the same screen comes up that comes up with my regular banj card… i hit withdraw 100 dollars…….. and then it said invalid card" is there any way to take a cash advance out on my care credit card?.. and how please.. we are desperly for money to hold us over untill the my next pay check comming up"

""If I pay my mortgage late, but under 30 days, will that affect my credit?""
Unfortunately, I got into the habit of paying later in the month and haven't been able to get back to paying on the 1st of the month. I asked someone from the mortgage company, when I called to pay one month, and she said as long as it is under 30 days, it wouldn't get reported as late. But . . . my parents said when I go to buy another house, the lenders will be able to see that I had been less than 30 days late, even though it doesn't show on my credit report! Thanks for the help.""
ECONOMICS Homework Help?
1. If the Federal Reserve lowers the federal funds rate: A.) the quantity of funds borrowed and lent will decrease. B.) other interest rates, such as home mortgage rates, will rise to compensate. C.) inflation is more likely to appear. D.) long-term interest rates will react more than short-term rates. 2. If the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds rate, which one of the following will not tend to result? A.) The money supply will fall. B.) Car loan and home mortgage rates will rise. C.) Businesses will find it easier to obtain funds to expand. D.) Inflation will decline. 3. If the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds rate, which one of the following will tend to result? A.) The inflation rate will increase. B.) The demand curve for goods and services bought with a credit card will shift to the left. C.) The demand curve for cars will shift to the right. D.) Home mortgage rates will decline.""
Auto loan with Bank of America?
PooPooLaTrash and Cave, Thank you so much for your response. PooPooLaTrash, No, my husband did not purchase any extras. He's going to call the bank today after work to ask for a breakdown on the $2,000. We should also be receiving the loan agreement forms either today or tomorrow. Thank you again for your response. =)""
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Lawsuit?
Does it make a difference that this individual is filing this becausee of my lawsuit against her? This person has 9 homes . . . he can afford to pay me.
Do colleges give emergency loans for textbooks if you can't afford them and can't find them cheaper?
I cannot afford 400 bucks worth of books and cannot find them on most of the major used book web sites….if I get a loan refund check I'll be able to buy them but who knows how long it will take. What does a school do to help?
What is the attraction that people have to CREDIT UNIONS? are they any good?
What are they for? The good and bad things about them?
Do you need an auto loan to buy a car?
I see. I didn't know that finance = auto loan""""""""""
""How long after a Bankruptcy, can you apply for a home loan?


How do you obtain a credit report without holding an active credit card?


Could you pay 500 dollars to fix your credit?
I'm having a little debate here with my father-in-law who is a little cooky and believes he can pay a lawyer 500 dollars and the lawyer will be able to raise his credit score from 500 to 710. I'm tellin him not to get involved because it is most likely a rip off or some sort of fraud that he REALLY does not want to get mixed up in. Could anyone tell me if what he is saying is possible and if so, why EVERYONE isnt doing this? Thanks!""
What happens if you use a credit card listed on a ch.13 bankruptcy for groceries after you have filed?
Filing for chapter 13, and I used a credit card after the filing, for groceries. After this I found out I am not supposed to use that credit card at all. I always paid it in full each month. I'm trying to save my house that is the only reason I'm filing. I make over 200k a year but my loan is killing me. Will the court think I'm screwing around? I mean it was for groceries….nothing else. I have since then stopped using it, but what's the worse that could happen""
What Movie Has A Guy That Steals Back Body Parts Like A Loan Shark? Johnathan Rhys Myers I Think?
It either came out in 2009 or 2010. I thought I saw a preview of the View one time and it was Johnathan Rhys Meyers or Myers talking about how people borrow stuff and when they don't give it back they take their organs or something? I know it has something to do with people stealing organs. Please Please Please help me out!
Can I qualify for a possible future Bankruptcy?
I live in Miami Florida. THIS IS WORST CASE SCENARIO..I just need some professional feedback…Currently, I have a property that I am going to refinance to pull out money and fix up my house (spend all the money) to see if it hopefully sells in this failing market. If it doesn't then I will try to rent, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to pay that new mortgage even with a tenant. I owe about $30 -$40,000 in credit cards, 1 lease car (about to expire) and a personal loan. No school or medical bills (because I have medical insurance thru the company I work for). The last two years I made $80,000 each year, but this year I am going back to school (a must) and will be working per diem and starting a family =) (that means no insurance and no steady income) and I'm single, probably making $30k or less this year (if I hustle). IF things go sour could I qualify for a bankruptcy?? I would want to hopefully start fresh with my new degree and family""
I was declined a Merchant Cash Advance?
Is there any company that will do a advance without looking at personal credit.
""How can I get a personal loan, not a payday loan?
I am looking into getting a personal loan of about 5k.
Can my husband sell our home? I'm on deed but not on mortgage?
daeve930 is INCORRECT. Those who live in a community property state REGARDLESS of whose name the mortgage is in, ARE LIABLE FOR 50% of community debt"""". If the house sells for less than the mortgage or the combination of sale price""

Credit Card Authorization for Online Purchase?
So my mom asked my to order her some shoes online, and i got an email back that said that they were unable to obtain authorization on her credit card? I'm just a kid so i don't really know what this means but are they going to call my parents or something to let them know, or do we have to call them to get this figured out??""

How can i buy a home when my credit is at 460. i am a first time buyer?
i alway lived in apartment and my kids are growing up and they need their privacy and a place for them to play
What hapeens when a payday advance loan goes unpaid ?
My sister-in-law has about 4 payday advance loans that she's not paying. I've told her that she could go to jail for this. SHe says no she cant because its a loan,not a bad check. Does anyone know?""
What happens if you dont pay back your payday loan?
I have borrowed money from 2 places and havnt paid them back,,,I am worried that the cops are going to come to my house and arrest me i dont know if they can do that,,,I live in ontario cananda i dont know if that makes any difference but I know its different laws everywhere,,,,and does anyone know how long it will take for me to go to court if it goes that far?? its only for a couple hundred dollars,,thanks""
I need a Car loan?
I have bad credit and have been approved for a car loan they want me to put down $1000. I can not come up with this money right now because it is all going to rental cars! Any suggestions…….NO Payday loans though.
"Cash advance on a care credit card?

i need to take a cash advance out…. my care credit card holders agreement mention stuff about cash advances.. it does not specify anything , other then payment terms. i went to the atm… use my care credit card… it asked me for a pin…. so i took a guess.. and put in my regualr bank card pin…. the same screen comes up that comes up with my regular banj card… i hit withdraw 100 dollars…….. and then it said invalid card" is there any way to take a cash advance out on my care credit card?.. and how please.. we are desperly for money to hold us over untill the my next pay check comming up"

How to get a loan quick?
How can i get a payday loan quick?
How long do creditors want to see good payment history on my credit report to be considered good?
everytime I apply for credit i get turned down because i dont have enough credit history
I would like to get a pesonal loan to pay off my auto loan which is at 14%.?
My credit score is now up 80 points from where it was at the time of the vehicle purchase. Is this a good idea?
How to take over a mortgage on my parents house?

What's a good amateur poetry site?
one that i can share my amateur poetry/lyrics and get advice. thanks

A website about new and used vehicles in Romania?
hey i am planning to buy a car but cannot find a website which can provide the info and prices of cars in Romania. thnx
What are really interesting things about Sharks?
Something 1st graders would love to hear.
How do you get a free credit score without having to purchase something from the site.?

""I need a car for college, parents can't afford one, should i get a AUTO loan?

Can I negotiate with my credit card company?
I have a credit card with around a $50 annual fee and a $6 monthly servicing fee due to bad credit history. I obtained the card about 2 years ago. I've made all payments on time and always paid more than minimum due. Is it possible to negotiate and have these extra fees removed? Also, what would be the liklihood of them increasing my limit (currently $250). I would like it to be at least $500. I'm always getting a guaranteed offer for a 2nd card so I think I could pull this one off.""
Default on student loans?
Actually I called and they were starting the process and hadnt actually put them into default. So I think I will be okay. I got on a payment plan
What shows up on your credit report when you report your credit card lost/stolen?

Renter eviction and foreclosure with a side of Bankruptcy surrender ?
We rented a house in April '10 and paid the landlord"""" who claimed to own the property a large deposit and continued paying our monthly rent (on time) every month until September '10. We received several letters from the bank that it was in default (under a different name as owner). We had bank reps from GMAC come and tell us to pay them and then we had the landlord tell us to pay him while the ACTUAL owner had surrendered the property in a BK over a year ago. Apparently the guy (said """"landlord"""") invested money with the owner and was on the Deed….Through the county recorder it shows DEED TRUSTEE and TRANSFER OF DEED and TRUSTEE""

Which online tax sites offer rapid refund loan?
Last year my husband and I used They're rapid refund loan only cost us $88. Starting this year they will no longer be doing it. I checked out Turbo tax and they don't do it either. Are there any sites that do rapid refund loads? Please don't tell me about how rapid refund loans are a scame. I already know about high the interest rates are as well as the other fees.
Can I get cash by using my debit card as credit card?
Thank you very much for all your answers! The reason for the question was the following. I have money on my checking account (borrowing money was not my intention) that I want to access. Let say Im in a state where my bank has no branches and I need $2,400. The obvious option is to find some ATM from any bank and get cash. The problem is that ATM has $800 limit and $3 fee. If I get $2,400 then I pay $9. Instead I went in some branch and asked a teller if I can get cash there. Since my card has no word debit and looks like a credit card, the answer was yes, I can get it as cash advances (if I present some id). And they would not charge any fee for it and them practically dont have any limit (though my bank should have some limit), so I could get my $2,400 for free. Just in case I decided to get smaller amount from ATM. I was not sure if my bank allows getting cash as cash advances from my checking; if there is any transaction fee for it; and how big that transaction fee may be. So""
Free Credit Report Problem. Can't get it.?
I tried getting my annual free credit report at I did it the year before last, but haven't done it since. They give you the option to pick which credit company to get the information from. I chose all three because they said that was okay. The first, which I can't remember, said I had already gotten my free credit check. I haven't done this since '09. So I know this isn't true. I went on to the next one. They had me answer a few questions to identify myself. After that they told me I'd have to fill out a form to get my credit score and send it to them. I apologize for how lenghty this is, but none of it makes sense. When I filled out the form two years ago it went through with no problem. What's a girl to do? Could someone have accessed my information? Thank you.""
Is there options for Georiga Payday Loan?
Currently working, but I have a emergency. Any options in Georgia?""
How does a bad credit auto loan really work?
My credit score is probably 0 (yes I know that's not possible) but it's pretty bad. Say for example I want a $5,000-$6,000 car, how much would I have to put down and how much would the interest typically be?""

If you get sued for being a cosigner on an auto loan the primary defaulted how long till it falls off credit?
i was never notified of anything to do with this loan until i got the notice of being sued
I have a debt of 550$ from 2008 and collection has called and i cant pay right now?
Thanks for your help i dont even remember what the debt is for they didnt even tell me for what it was for! the call kept cutting out! i dont even know if that was the amount
""My mom is afraid of putting her credit card number into websites such as Amazon, etc.?""
My mother is too afraid to put her credit card number on websites to order things to be shipped to our house. She is even too afraid to put it into a website to buy me even a Minecraft account for fear of someone taking her information and buying things. Or someone Hacking"""" her account and """"stealing"""" things. Can you""
Can you file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy if you filed Chapter 7 less then six years ago.?

"Cash advance on a care credit card?

i need to take a cash advance out…. my care credit card holders agreement mention stuff about cash advances.. it does not specify anything , other then payment terms. i went to the atm… use my care credit card… it asked me for a pin…. so i took a guess.. and put in my regualr bank card pin…. the same screen comes up that comes up with my regular banj card… i hit withdraw 100 dollars…….. and then it said invalid card" is there any way to take a cash advance out on my care credit card?.. and how please.. we are desperly for money to hold us over untill the my next pay check comming up"

How can I increase my credit score?

Lost job….can't pay credit card min payments?
I lost my job and unemployment SUCKS in my state. I was bringing home almost $500 per week and now UI will be about 1/2 of that. I can't pay my credit cards min payments. What do I do????? I am current as of now, but won't be in about 10 days. Help me!""
A credit card charges a daily periodic rate of .05318%. What are the monthly and yearly rates?
Ex 12) A. 2.34 monthly and 24.59 yearly B. 1.59 monthly and 19.14 yearly C. 1.43 monthly and 17.16 yearly D. 1.85 monthly and 18.50 yearly
What is the difference between loans and advances?

How does bankruptcy affect an adjustable rate mortgage???
My friend cannot keep up on bills her mortgage just rose -She was advised to go bankrupt -how can she keep her home?? And will the rates continue to rise as contracted.??? She is planning a chapter 13. She has no equity built up. Her condo's value has dropped and is not able to refinance. She cannot sell without a loss.
""Can I use my debit card as credit"""" when there's a positive balance in my bank account""
but not enough to…""""""
How long should I wait to get married after filing Bankruptcy so I don't affect his credit?

Is this a legitimate website to get my get a free credit report?
Do process servers normally call you ahead of time before serving you?
I've been dealing with some scam artists over the last year trying to get me to pay on online payday loans I don't recall. The latest one has a company called national process server"""" calling me stating I have one opportunity to call the """"mediation"""" group(debt collectors) or orders will be sent out and they will show up at my work or home around Jan 2! I'm do tired of these calls!!! So my question is""
How many digits is a credit card number?
I'm not trying to make one up, it's just that I've got mine written down and I added the security code to the end of it…so I forgot where the actual number ends.""
Filing chapter 7 for a 2nd time?
Can anyone tell me with the new bankruptcy laws, can I file a chapter 7 again before 8 yrs , I really need help just went thur a divorce and lose my home and me debt is just piling up.""

Where can get legal loans in Sinagapore?
Where can get legal loans in Sinagapore? My income is only $1700 per mth.
Financing a car without a license?
My experience therefore has been that you DO NOT, at least in Ohio, need a driver's license to finance or own a car. Even when I go to register it my state ID will be sufficient. For insurance purposes if you are the car owner but will not be driving, have someone in mind with a license who can be placed on your policy. Think of elderly or disabled people who own cars but cannot drive..they can insure their cars naming a family member for example as the driver. And the car can remain in their name in regards to title and registration. I'm sure laws vary from state to state but there has to be allowances made for these types of situations. Just keep researching, ignore the obviously underthought-out advice, and find the answers you need. The internet is full of conflicting advice that just about did my head in , but it turned out to be easier than I expected or some of the naysayers would make it out to be.""
Is debt settlement better than bankruptcy?
Because bankruptcy stays on your credit report for ten years and most people cannot qualify for Chapter 7 and end up getting a 13, which is just a repayment plan they usually cannot afford. Larry at""
Where can a you get a personal loan with horrible credit?
I dont mean those payday loans either.
What would be another alternative beside filing for bankruptcy?
I am unemployed looking for a job and owe over $60,000. I am desperate.""
Bad credit loans that doesn't need 3% down and not a payday loan or mortgage loan?

Auto Loans?
Hey! Everyone, Im looking to purchase my very first car pretty soon, within a couple of months(december). The car i've been thinking about getting is a 2000–2002 BMW (3 Series). I'm also going to take out a loan from my bank with a 5.99% APR rate for up to 36 are 72 months. The price of the car is about $14.000-$15.000. Do you think this is a good idea? And how much would you think my payments for the car would be?""
""When a bank issues a loan, where does the new money go?""
When banks make loans using funds they have accrued via checking and savings accounts, where exactly does that money go? I understand fractional reserve banking, that isn't what I'm asking. But if say I take out a loan for $10,000 from the bank, is that just a credit to a new checking account, or is it cash, or what is the loan?""
Do down payments count as part of a loan?
Thank you. Im buying a car from a private party so theres no need to worry about sales tax until I go to the dreaded DMV. Im only 18, so once again, this is all brand new to me. Sorry if I sound so naive about simple things.""
Quicken Mortgage Loans? Ever heard of or done one?
My husband and I are very seriously thinking about refinancing our current mortgage through Quicken Loans (online). What do you know about this company? Have you ever financed through it? I haven't really heard anything bad about them… I just haven't heard anything at all.. which concerns me. My husband foolishly says, no news is good news…"""" Is he right? Tell me what you know!!! Please help this newlywed couple out!!""""""

I agreed to be the co-signer or a auto loan under the stipulations I could look at the contract first?
I agreed to be a co-signer for a auto loan under the stipulations I could look over the contract first to make sure they weren't getting ripped off….Several months later I received a phone call from the bank saying I owed them over $3000.00 because the vehicle hadn't been paid in since it was bought. Come to find out I am the PRIMARY account holder on this loan…I never signed anything nor did I give anyone consent to sign my name as the primary….WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS IF ANYTHING?!?!!? PLEASE HELP!!!
How I do I get copy of my bankruptcy discharge papers?
My bankruptcy was discharged in 2005
"Cash advance on a care credit card?

i need to take a cash advance out…. my care credit card holders agreement mention stuff about cash advances.. it does not specify anything , other then payment terms. i went to the atm… use my care credit card… it asked me for a pin…. so i took a guess.. and put in my regualr bank card pin…. the same screen comes up that comes up with my regular banj card… i hit withdraw 100 dollars…….. and then it said invalid card" is there any way to take a cash advance out on my care credit card?.. and how please.. we are desperly for money to hold us over untill the my next pay check comming up"

Can You Get a Cash Advance From Care Credit
